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Early Bird






Registration Deadlines 8st April 2024

17th May 2024

19-23 May 2024
Students 415 €

450 €

490 €
Regular 580 €

700 €

740 €
Accompanying person (basic) 200 €

240 €

280 €
Accompanying person (full) 340 €

380 €

420 €


Services included in Student/Regular registration

Participation to all Scientific Sessions          

Participation to all mid-day lunch (May 20-21-22-23)

Participation to all coffee break (May 20-21-22-23)

Participation to the Welcome Event - May 19th 2024 evening

Participation to the Conference Excursion and Dinner - May 22st 2024

Welcome Conference kit and Conference book (pdf format)


Services included in Accompanying person - Basic registration

Participation to the Welcome Event - May 19th 2024

Participation to the Conference Excursion and Dinner - May 22st 2024


Services included in Accompanying person - Full registration

Participation to all mid-day lunch (May 20-21-22-23)

Participation to the Welcome Event - May 19th 2024 evening

Participation to the Conference Excursion and Dinner - May 22st 2024